Relevant statistics
- a community of caring individuals
- activities designed to provide help to those in need
- training webinars and experts’ support
- an opportunity to carry out a charitable campaign of one’s own design
- a corporate forum for activists, and much more!
People Changing the World, SIBUR’s corporate volunteering program, is an important component of SIBUR's strategy towards building vibrant urban communities that draw together the company, its employees, and all residents of cities where SIBUR operates, from St. Petersburg to Svobodny in Amur Oblast, and Vienna, Istanbul and Shanghai..
Since 2020, the Formula for Good Deeds has been appointing its volunteer ambassadors — who spearhead positive changes in the regions where the company conducts its operations. This year, SIBUR chose as ambassadors several active participants of the corporate volunteering program representing Voronezh, Krasnodar, Nizhnevartovsk, Perm, and Tobolsk. By virtue of being the program’s ambassadors, these leaders enjoy a number of additional opportunities and advantages, including the opportunity to implement their own volunteering initiatives, develop their personal expertise in social planning, participate in federal-level events on this topic, and meet experts in the field of charity and corporate volunteering.
«Participation in the volunteering program offers our employees an opportunity to become active contributors to bringing about positive change in their home cities. We implement charitable campaigns, support our colleagues’ bespoke volunteering initiatives, help out with undertaking city-wide activities, and are always excited to welcome new heroes to our ranks!»
Varvara Melekestseva,
Supervisor of People Changing the World, SIBUR's corporate volunteering program
Special projects implemented under the volunteering program
Members of staff of all SIBUR Group companies are welcome to suggest a volunteering campaign of their own design and obtain financial assistance to get it implemented. The contest’s primary objective is to get employees and their families involved in projects of social significance.
The maximum size of a grant is up to RUB 80,000.

To make sure that your efforts bring joy and value to yourselves and to others, we have drawn up some simple guidelines for SIBUR’s volunteers, and compiled a selection of useful resources.
In a nutshell, SIBUR’s company-wide campaigns are the company’s kind initiatives that its employees have come to love and the ones that are carried out on a regular basis. By getting involved in these campaigns the willing employees get a chance to act together helping those who really need their help.

community of caring individuals willing to donate their knowledge, skills, and
expertise to others.
SIBUR is committed to supporting charitable initiatives of its employees seeking to address challenges faced by local communities, socially disadvantaged groups of people, to provide gratuitous assistance to those in need, and to protect the environment. The best of these practices get to be further replicated at other facilities.

The Office was established in a bid to align the efforts of companies, volunteering centers and nonprofits in replicating the best volunteering practices in the region.
The forum is a platform that brings together the most active corporate volunteers, as well as the initiators of the best implemented volunteer projects, the company’s partners and managers. The Forum’s program is composed of the educational, discussion, and ceremonial parts.

Leaders of SIBUR's volunteering movement

Ambassador of the Volunteering Program

Volunteering Program’s Ambassador

Volunteering Program’s Ambassador

Volunteering Program’s Ambassador

Volunteering Program’s Ambassador

Ambassador of the Volunteering Program

Ambassador of the Volunteering Program

Volunteering Program’s Ambassador

2022 saw a series of training webinars take place covering various aspects of volunteering. The list of lecturers speaking at the sessions included experts from the Old Age Can Be a Joy Charitable Foundation, Ambassadors of the Formula for Good Deeds program, and SIBUR’s own corporate volunteers based in Tobolsk and Blagoveshchensk (Republic of Bashkortostan). A total of 10 webinars took place. They were attended by 200 employees of SIBUR Group and 50 residents from the various cities where the company has a presence.
For inquiries about how to get involved, contact the volunteering program’s coordinators at:
About the People Changing the World Volunteering Program
To receive updates on upcoming campaigns, propose your own idea of a project and to subscribe to the newsletter of SIBUR’s volunteering program, contact our coordinators at: +7 (963) 641-39-68,
To get additional news about the charitable campaigns that are being implemented by SIBUR and your colleagues, join our Telegram channel at and VK group at Join us!