
Happy New Year!

Dear partners,

The New Year holiday is the season when our innermost wishes get granted and most daring hopes come true, when surprise miracles touch our lives or we ourselves work miracles for the others. In these difficult times, SIBUR and NIPIGAZ decided to support those who are not able to fully enjoy this beautiful holiday the way they would have wished to: medical doctors, hospital personnel and caregivers, as well as the patients of the hospitals in the cities where we have our operations.

The money we did not spend on corporate gifts was used to provide a festive atmosphere where it is most obviously lacking right now. The details of our charitable campaigns in each city can be found below.

Please accept our most sincere wishes for the coming
New Year!

May you never lose faith in good luck and success, and may all your good deeds and endeavors be met with goodwill and good fortune.

The campaign’s geography