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ready for school with
the help of learning supplies
Company-wide campaigns are essentially the company’s kind initiatives that its employees have come to love and the ones that are carried out on a regular basis. By getting involved in these campaigns the willing employees get a chance to act together helping those who really need their help.
Charitable campaign "Get to be a Santa Claus!”
To become SIBUR's Santa Claus back in 2021, one could either help fulfill children's most coveted wishes and desires or contribute financially to setting up a New Year's dinner party for lonely seniors. The new format has made it possible to align the efforts of the company’s employees, including those employed at Sibur International's foreign offices, and collect delicious treats for the wards of the Old Age Can Be A Joy Charity. For more details, please follow this link.
Last year, apart from making New Year's wishes come true, SIBUR’s employees organized a collection of contemporary children's books. By working in unison, they managed to collect 330 books in near-mint condition. All collected books were passed on to partner foundations of the Formula for Good Deeds program in Perm Krai, the Republic of Tatarstan, and in Tver Oblast.
Charitable campaign "Make them Warm!"
This is an ongoing company-wide charitable campaign aiming to collect items of clothing for people in difficult circumstances. Let us help provide warmth to those who need it most!
The campaign is open to participation by any employee: all they have to do is bring good-quality clothing items they no longer need and just put them into one of the special containers placed at the company’s sites. All of the donated items will be handed over to the wards of social centers and charitable foundations.
Donors’ Corporate Days
Some 50 staff of the Corporate Center and of Perm-based Sibur-Khimprom became blood donors to get included in the Vasya Perevoshchikov National Register of Bone Marrow Donors.
2022 saw a whole series of lectures on bone marrow donation put on jointly with the Center for Advancing Bone Marrow Donorship held at the Corporate Center, at Voronezhsintezkauchuk, and at ZapSibNeftekhim. Following each of the lectures, more than 30 employees decided to join the National Register of Bone Marrow Donors.
2023 saw the Corporate Center host a new-format blood donation campaign, named From Heart to Heart. The company's employees could select one of several ways to participate in the event: donate children's toys, donate their own blood to patients of the Bakulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery, or join a volunteering trip to Yelizavetinvsky Children's Hospice. On top of that, all willing participants could donate funds to purchase necessary items for the patients of the children's hospice.
Information for the blood donors
Charitable campaign "Going back to school soon"
Since 2016, SIBUR's employees have been regularly helping disadvantaged children get ready for the upcoming school year.
The campaign’s coordinators collect school backpacks and writing sets donated by employees. Following that, students’ kits are assembled and distributed to the wards of orphanages, social centers and charitable foundations. As part of the campaign, employees at some of the sites additionally offer career guidance classes where they tell children about their own professions.
«Big Help to Little Friends»
In the summer of 2019, employees of the Corporate Center who had been actively involved in helping homeless animals launched a campaign to collect pet food for the animals named Big Help for Little Friends. Their initiative was strongly supported by the volunteering movement’s activists in Krasnodar, Tobolsk, Tomsk, and Tyumen.
At the moment, the company’s employees are collecting treats for homeless animals at 18 of SIBUR's enterprises and at NIPIGAZ'''s offices. In addition to collecting pet food, corporate volunteers also make visits to animal shelters where the help fix up animals’ pens, take the animals for walks, and assist with feeding them.