
A laser tag tournament has taken place in Tobolsk District

19 september 2023

On September 16, Priirtyshsky, a small township in Tobolsk District, hosted the district's first ever laser tag tournament initiated by the regional sports and patriotic education club Dvizheniye. The tournament brought together 6 teams from Tobolsk District's Bizinskaya, Malazorkaltsevskaya, Ovsyannikovskaya, Priirtyshskaya, Nadtsynskaya, and Karachinskaya schools.

The tournament turned out to be really captivating!

Ekaterina Korikova, Head of Dvizheniye Club, a regional non-profit sports and patriotic education organization:

Every child's principal motivation to engage in regular athletic activities is being able to take part in competitions, since they make their training meaningful and focused on achieving a specific outcome. That's why we try to hold as many tournaments as possible within the framework of our project, while experimenting with new formats, and brushing up on our style. And it's very encouraging to see that our efforts resonate with our target audiences, and so, with each new event that we organize, we seem to come up with an ever-growing number of ideas for the project's further development.

The teams showed their passion and will to win, something that helps make the games really entertaining and challenging. Our congratulations to the participants, winners and runners-up for their worthy performances. We wish them more of similarly outstanding games and resounding victories!!!

Konstantin Tarasov, coach of Malazorkaltsevskaya school’s team:

It is very important to implement sports projects in rural areas, as this is an excellent way to help residents have more diverse pastimes and to motivate children and young individuals to take up sports.

The tournament was held within the framework of the Work, Brothers! project, whose main objective is to create an enabling environment for children in rural areas to pursue a new type of activity. Thanks to the support of SIBUR's social investment program, The Formula for Good Deeds, professional laser tag equipment has been procured, and the first set of township-level tournaments has been held in 18 schools in Tobolsk District.

Ivan Shishkin, tournament winner, student of Karachinskaya school: 

I really enjoyed the tournament. We did tactical teamwork exercises, gained some game experience, and just had great time. I am pleased. We came here to win, and so we did!