
Svobodny hosted the first screening of films produced by the young participants of the Kinomolodost (CinemaYouth) project

1 october 2022

Svobodny’s Krupskaya Central Library hosted a screening of short films produced by the attendees of the Kinomolodost camp. The project was implemented by MEM.MEDIA with the support of SIBUR's Formula for Good Deeds social investment program and START, an online movie theater.

Throughout the summer, film camp attendees aged 12 to 18 from Svobodny and Blagoveshchensk studied the craft of filmmaking under the guidance of their mentors and tried their hand at such filmmaking professions as director, cameraman, screenwriter, and producer.

The project resulted in five short films: "Garage", "Gas", "A Courier with the Drive", "Nare" and "A Bad Omen", produced in their entirety by the camp’s attendees - from writing the script to editing. At the screening, the participants were greeted by Nadezhda Buraya, executive producer of the Kinomolodost project, and Zaurbek Baytsayev, an actor who was cast in Once Upon a Time in Russia.

The second season of the Kinomolodost project has come to an end. Each time it's very sad to have to say goodbye to such wonderful students. We hope to continue the project next year, so that even greater numbers of young talents could experience firsthand the wonderful world of cinema, Angie Taratuta, the lead director and the project’s curator, noted. 

The screening featured pre-recorded video greetings by actor and showman Stas Yarushin, Valentina Rubtsova, the actress known for her roles in Univer and SashaTanya TV series, actress and TV presenter Ekaterina Varnava, Alexander Martynov, a cast member in Univer TV series and actor who played in first films produced by other Kinomolodost project participants, and by David Tsallaev, creative producer of Comedy Club Production and founder of MEM.MEDIA.

It is really wonderful to see that with each new season, the Kinomolodost project arouses increasingly more interest among young children. They never fail to surprise me with their exciting new ideas. So, I would be very happy to meet new talents next year, too, David Tsallaev shared.

Kinomolodost is a great launching pad, enabling these children to dive deep into the world of real cinema. We involve in our project true experts from the industry and Russian movie stars who share their precious experience with the students, pass on the secrets of their skill, and all of this is paying off. One of last season’s films emerged as the winner at the Dream International Children's Film Festival in Moscow and became a finalist at the KidsNFilm Festival in Vallejo, California. Our participants' films get submitted to leading international festivals, surprise us with the quality of their ideas and implementation, while the students get inspired by their own success and acquire sought-after professions, Elena Snezhko, head of the Formula for Good Deeds program, commented. 

The broader audience will be able to see the children's films at the START online cinema in the fall of 2023, and the best of the films will become participants in Russian and international children's film festivals. The films’ trailers can already be viewed on the project's website at

Kinomolodost (CinemaYouth) is a joint project of MEM.MEDIA and SIBUR. As part of this project, children from the cities where the company has a presence who are interested in exploring filmmaking careers can apply to become participants in a three-month film camp. The program’s first season was held in 2021 in Kstovo, and this year the camp was held in Svobodny. The project is a part of the Culture focus area of the Formula for Good Deeds social investment program. As part of its efforts in this focus area, SIBUR has been contributing to the sustainable development of the cities where it operates, helping improve quality of life there and expanding local residents' opportunities for self-fulfillment.