
NEW NATURE exhibition by Recycle Group

Персональная выставка российской арт-группы Recycle в Центральном выставочном зале «Манеж» (Санкт-Петербург) при поддержке Комитета по культуре Санкт-Петербурга. СИБУР выступил генеральным партнером проекта.

The New Nature exhibition

Artists Andrey Blokhin and Georgy Kuznetsov, Kandinsky Prize winners and participants of the 57th Venice Biennale of Contemporary Art, have put on display their interactive sculptures and dynamic installations that transform spectators into participants of a virtual and technology-filled performance. By substituting the human gaze with digital code, Recycle invites viewers to experience the world through the eyes of a machine that scans and then analyzes information about the world around it.

The works on display were all crafted using polymer materials, including recycled products, thus underscoring the artists’ commitment to the concept of recycling. This concept seeks to foster an environmentally-responsible culture and facilitate transitioning to a circular economy.

The New Nature exhibition offered a plethora of interactive experiences for its visitors. The Manege Central Exhibition Hall’s team put together a 3D tour, providing detailed information about each item on display and a comprehensive overview of the halls housing them.

Thanks to digital technology, the exhibition has been made accessible virtually to visitors from around the globe. By visiting the project’s website, one can embark on a cyber journey from a studio in Paris to a gallery in New York City and back to the exhibition in St. Petersburg, as well as acquaint oneself with the artists and the Exhibition Hall’s team.

Educational program

The exhibition is complemented by an educational program featuring contemporary art experts and scientists specializing in IT, robotics, neurobiology, psychology, philosophy, physics, chemistry, and other fields of science, who offered to share their knowledge about the principal tenets of present-day’s science and cutting-edge research.

The program’s lectures featured speakers and participants discussing such topics as post-Internet art, the impact of digital technology on contemporary auteurs’ creativity, transformation of personality and the material world in an era dominated by virtual reality, global environmental and climate shifts, as well as innovations in the fields of science and medicine. Special attention was dedicated to those realms of contemporary art where artworks are created with the use of innovative technologies, materials, and emerging means of expression that are rooted in science.

Video recordings of the educational program's events have been made available on a dedicated YouTube channel.